Why Intelligent People Fail? (And The Dumb Succeed?)
Intelligence will not lead to success. There is something else you need to master.
Did you know? Highly intelligent and knowledgeable people usually fail in life than less intelligent people. Some people have graduated from unknown colleges or dropped out of colleges, and they end up making more money and leading happier lives than intelligent people who graduate from the top Ivy League colleges.
Because making money is not about intelligence, there are plenty of opportunities to make money by offering value to the people around us. Making money requires discipline. Discipline has nothing to do with intelligence. Discipline is about impulse control and delayed gratification.
None of us want to be slaves to someone else. We often get angry when we hear about how humans enslaved other humans throughout history. The slave masters have inflicted a lot of suffering on the slaves. Today, human slavery has been almost abolished. However, we volunteer to be slaves to social media, drugs, and bad habits.
I know very intelligent people who have graduated from IITs who destroy their lives because they are chain smokers and drug users. These people made a lot of money in their careers, and they have saved so much and invested that they never have to work anymore. However, their quality of life is bad because of their lack of impulse control. They are destroying their health and have no purpose in life.
If you feel like you are not intelligent enough for some people that you look up to, believe me, having average intelligence will help you in the long run. You will have more money and a better quality of life than those who do not know how to stay disciplined.
If there is one habit that you have to develop to improve your life in 2025, you just need to wake up early every day.
Wake up by 4 AM
Meditate for 30 Minutes
Work out for 1 hour (even a walk is fine)
Read books for 1 hour
Work for 2 hours.
You will have achieved more in a single morning than most people achieve in an entire week. After breakfast, you are free to take a nap while the world is still struggling to get on track. Your day makes your week. If you have a perfect day, you will have a perfect week, a perfect month, a perfect year, a perfect decade, and a perfect life. Always aim to optimize your day, not your life. When making progress, think Micro, not macro. The macro is made of the Micro. An ocean is made of drops. Your life is made of moments.
Most people wake up at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. with a brain fog. Many of these people are sleep-deprived, have a hangover, or wake up and smoke a cigarette. It is estimated that one billion people out of the 8 billion people on planet Earth are regular smokers. They have coffee to make them energetic. Then, they have a carb-heavy breakfast that causes a sugar spike. Then they feel sleepy. They drag themselves to work in traffic. By the time they reach the office, they need another cup of coffee and maybe another cigarette. Then they rush to a meeting where most people just play the ping pong of responsibilities. Before they know it, it is lunchtime.
It has never been easier to succeed. The competition is extremely weak. Just add one habit at a time. Just start waking up early for the time being. Yes, it is difficult, but start somewhere. Set up an alarm right now for 4 am tomorrow. Even if you are going to hit snooze, it's fine. By just setting an alarm, you are going to be ahead of 99.9% of the population on planet Earth.
Once you get on a positive spiral, guard it with your life. Do not let anyone disrupt your routine. Your routine is sacred. When life throws you off balance, your routine will keep you sane, happy, and growing.
The most successful people in the world are not intelligent. They are humble enough to understand that they are not that smart and to beat the competition; they just need to build strong habits.
Excellent post and every word in this post is a golden coin itself.
Very powerful and motivating. I'm not a morning person-- more of a night owl especially during my student days.I'm now focused on rising early, but do struggle to stay awake .I feel quite drowsy in the afternoon. This despite 8 hours of sleep. I want to join the 5 am club.