Good write-up indeed. One thing noticeable about you is that over the growing years, you have turned more inwardly spiritual, soul-searching & philosophical. It's evident in this write-up. This topic of fame, achievement etc doesn't arise in the common man's mind in every day life. So keep achieving materially and spiritually -- balance the two. However, after watching the photo where you are sitting by the pool or beach (whatever), I feel that you should write these blogs at night before retiring to bed. Sunlight is meant to travel and view beautiful locales. May you grow materially & spiritually in days to come. Bye sir.

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What you noticed is spot on. Regarding writing time, I write when inspiration strikes. If I lose that moment, I can't write the same because it's also about the emotions while writing. It cannot be called on demand.

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My first thoughts while reading.." Abey Deepak .. ab rulaayega kya "😆...I agree...to everything you expressed...you certainly are travelling in and out of the parallel universe and also tearing through the fabric of time..shouting out...- "fata poster nikla hero " :) it's an amazing gift...keep evolving.!!

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You are right sir, I understand. Creative ideas mustn't be postponed, else, later mind wanders, mood alters & passion falters. You did right. Bye sir.

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Amazing write up, things we often forget

And indeed, LinkedIn has become new Instagram which does make one feel under achiever

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I almost have stopped visiting LinkedIn - after every session viewing others profile my jaw bones get stuck forming an O out of awe and admiration, my eye eyeballs start getting wider threatening to explode - and then i run back back to revisit the Malgudi Days - where life is happy..slow calming ..good and simple !!

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