Most people think communication is about using fancy words, sophisticated language, or polished speaking skills. But that’s not communication. True communication is the ability to transfer a thought from your mind to someone else’s mind as accurately as possible - without distortion, without losing its essence.
Think of electricity. When it’s generated at a power plant, not all of it reaches homes. A significant percentage is lost in transmission. Communication works the same way. When I have a thought and I try to share it with you, some of it gets lost. The real question is - how efficient is my transmission? How much of my original thought reaches you, unchanged? That is the real measure of communication.
And here’s the key: communication skill is not the same as language skill. You can speak English, Hindi, Tamil, or any language, but still struggle to communicate effectively. Because the real challenge isn’t about words - it’s about ego.
The Role of Ego in Communication
Most people don’t realize that ego is one of the biggest barriers to effective communication. When we speak, we often think about how we will be perceived. "Will they think I sound smart?" "What if they judge me?" "How do I make myself look good?" This self-consciousness interrupts the natural flow of communication. Instead of focusing on the message, we focus on ourselves.
But real communication happens when we let go of this ego. When we stop worrying about how we will be judged and instead focus purely on the message, something shifts. The transmission becomes clearer. The efficiency of our communication increases.
Meditation and the Dissolution of Ego
One of the most powerful ways to reduce ego is through meditation. Meditation teaches us how to let go of self-importance, to quiet the noise of our minds, and to simply be present. When we are fully present, communication becomes effortless because there is no barrier between the thought and its expression.
Imagine a painter. If he starts thinking about how the painting will be received, whether people will admire it, or if he’ll be recognized as a great artist, he’s no longer fully immersed in the painting itself. His ego is interfering. And that interference affects the art. But when the painter loses himself in the act of painting - when there is only the painting, not the painter - then magic happens.
This applies to all forms of expression. There should be only the song, not the singer. Only the writing, not the writer. Only the speech, not the speaker. The more we dissolve into what we are doing, the purer and more powerful our message becomes.
Why Politicians and Public Speakers Struggle
Take politicians, for example. When they speak on stage, many of them are constantly thinking about their image - how they are being perceived, whether they sound charismatic, whether they are winning the crowd. And that self-consciousness makes them nervous. It causes them to make mistakes, to say things that sound forced or artificial.
On the other hand, think of someone who speaks purely because they believe in their message. Someone who doesn’t care about looking impressive but just wants to share an idea they deeply believe in. Their words flow naturally. People listen because they feel the sincerity behind the words. That is true communication.
How to Improve Your Communication
If you want to communicate better, focus on these principles:
Forget how you will be perceived. The moment you shift your focus from yourself to the message, your communication will become more powerful.
Be present. Whether you are speaking, writing, or creating, immerse yourself completely in the process. Don’t hold back.
Meditate. The more you practice letting go of your ego, the more naturally your thoughts will flow into words without hesitation or distortion.
Think of communication as transmission, not performance. You are not trying to impress; you are simply transferring an idea from your mind to someone else’s as clearly as possible.
Watch great communicators. Notice how the most impactful speakers and writers don’t focus on themselves - they focus on their message.
The Beauty of Losing Yourself in the Message
In the end, the best communication happens when the communicator disappears, and only the message remains. Whether you are speaking to a friend, writing a book, or giving a speech, the less you think about yourself, the more powerfully your words will resonate.
Yes, great work will eventually bring recognition, and people might admire you for your communication skills. But that should be a side effect, never the goal. The goal is always the message, the art, the truth. And when you dissolve into the act of communication itself, that’s when true connection happens.
I think when the thinking (Inner Critic) Silences, then the universal expression takes place, and the message get's the needed power to transform and impact the other. While the mental chatter, distubrs the energy and impact of the message one is trying to deliver.